Sunday 23 March 2014

The 31 Day Blogging Challenge - Day 20

Day 20 - Something you are trying to figure out

Oh gosh, I haven't done this challenge in a while. So here we are: Day 20. 

Something I have been trying to figure out is, why people aren't aware. Why people are so caught up in their own lives, their own struggles, hardships and challenges, that they aren't aware of what's around them. I can tell you, by personal experience that I'm not aware half the time about what's around me and the consequences my actions have. I could be sarcastic and laugh about something at someone else's expense, but I wouldn't know that they would have felt bad about it, because I don't realise. Whereas when someone does that to me, I spend hours dwelling on every word as if it were echoing through my brain. Awareness can be about anything though - the environment, the people around us, global issues, anything. 

Another thing I'm trying to figure out is how to make a pentagon using a compass. Ehem (I am AMAZING at math okay?). 

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