Tuesday 29 April 2014

The 31 Day Blogging Challenge - Day 27 and 28

We're getting closer to the end! Anyways..

Day 27 - Something I Miss
Something I miss is, the freedom to be myself. I know it sounds weird, but the moment you enter Middle School, it feels like that freedom is taken away from you. You can either be the "perfect" stereotypical person or no one at all. It feels like the minute I am myself, I can feel people judging me from everywhere. Even the people I know really well. Well, I guess that's the thing with middle school.

Day 28 - Top 5 Moments in Your Life
I feel really productive today so I'm going to do day 28 as well.

1) My first piano recital. I was around seven or eight. I was absolutely terrified. My mum convinced me to fit into a floor length dress that looked horrifying on me. I was so nervous that I slipped and fell on the way to the piano. Everyone was laughing, and I was performing to a crowd of 300 people. I made it through my performance without messing up and I was really happy.

Oh god I can't think of anything else. I think I will leave that at that. My mind just blanked out for a second. Sorry. 

Wednesday 23 April 2014

The 31 Day Blogging Challenge - Day 25 and 26

I haven't been blogging for a while now. Oops. Again. Anyways, I said I would finish this challenge around six months ago. Another mistake on my part. I'm going to try my best to get through the nest few ones. To make up for not blogging, I did two days in one. 

Day 25 - My Favourite Recipe/Comfort Food
Cookie dough. Oh my god, it's the best thing in the world. Especially with ice-cream. I don't really make it, but I found a recipe online if anyone would like to. It's really simple, here's the link: 


Day 26 - Share: A Difficult Time in Your Life
There are loads, but the most difficult was when I was leaving India. Before I came to Singapore. It was strange but I kept falling sick, getting hurt and losing friends. All at once. I was only nine but it was hard. I have asthma, and I find it difficult to breathe a lot of the time. Someone might think that once I take the medicine, it's okay - but for severe cases of asthma, it's difficult to breathe a lot of the time. In India, I didn't have a lot of interest in sports and this was hard. In academics, I was fine. But the minute I stepped on the sports field, I was pushed to the back. My friends started to ignore me as well. The people in my class would make me the goal keeper (in football) on purpose and would kick the ball into my face. It wasn't nice. On top of that, India's weather didn't suit me and I was constantly wheezing. I was almost glad that I was leaving and here I am. 

Okay, there you are. I'm trying to (for real this time) finish this challenge. 

Monday 21 April 2014

The Stories We Love - Themes

Throughout time, we know that we have learnt a lot, developed and evolved but I don't think we actually have learnt the basics about life. Why do we always write about or create movies based on themes that have been repeating themselves for years. these usually end up to be: love, family, drama, mystery, and so on. What I think is that these topics are so broad and very relatable that makes them really easy to work with. The themes are often about life and being human - I think this is because we don't fully understand the potential of these things in our life. This potential is experimented with in ways which we see today like movies, books or songs even. 

Why do we pick these themes out of all of them. I think it's because they can be seen through many different perspectives. Theme gives us the opportunity of forming our opinions based on how we look at something. The most common themes are the ones that can be seen through a lot of perspectives. As humans, we are given the flexibility of how we can look at something. 

I think that we have treated these themes like an experiment. We want to see how many ways one theme can go. We are curious about what anything could lead to and want to try it out. Today, these different 'experiments' are conducted through media. Since these similar themes are what we have experimented with for years, we didn't want to change them and have stuck with them. Humans want to see the same themes again because they are familiar and don't make you think in another way. It's a reassurance. To me, this is what is behind the stories we love. 
