Tuesday 11 March 2014

The 31 Day Blogging Challenge - Day 17

Day 17 - Where would you like to work? 
This prompt was originally, 'Where do you work' but, I don't work anywhere, yet. My dream job would be to record an album and become famous. That, is probably not going to happen. My second option would be to work at Google, partly because their office is so cool, and I really share their thoughts on creativity. My last and something that sounds really fun to do work place would be to go into luxury retail. For those people who have no clue what I'm talking about, luxury retail is when you work for a high end fashion brand. I have loved fashion since I was a little girl, and would love to follow my passion. 

What is your dream job? Comment below! 


  1. My ideal place to work, believe it or not, is in a classroom. I love working hard to try and inspire young people to think and care and create. I love working with kids. I have known that I wanted to be a teacher since I was 18 years old.

    But in fantasy land, I would also like to work in a recording studio to make music and I would like to work in my house and be a writer.

    1. I love to record my music. I love to sing and I'm thinking of starting a music challenge that I found online.

    2. Do you share any of your recordings? I find that most people are embarrassed to share their singing, because they feel it is not "good enough." But I found that by recording and sharing my voice, however "bad" it might be, has been helping me gain confidence. I have been recording music every Wednesday for a few months now. A quick Youtube search will show you some songs.

    3. I am actually starting a singing challenge to share what I like to sing and my music. Haha, I'm starting it soon :)

  2. Ever since I watched The Internship I've really wanted to work in Google too (it would probably never happen though, I have zero interest whatsoever in computer programming).
    My ideal place to work would be at home, or at a university because even though I'm hardworking most of the time sometimes I feel lazy and just want to do nothing all day. But if I worked at a university as a professor, then I would be able to teach other people - passing down (or transferring) knowledge to other people is one of my passions, and I'm sure that I'd learn stuff from other people too. Also, I'm not good with young children (or people our age) so there's no way I could work as a primary school teacher.
    My ideal job however, is probably not teaching. I would most like to be a stay-at-home writer/blogger. Graphic design, art or linguistics are a few things I'm pretty interested in as well.
    Although money is a big part of society, living your life the way you want and following your passions are the things you should be doing. Good on you for choosing to follow your dreams and do what you want to do, rather than doing what you "should" be doing.

    1. Haha, I love Google's office. It sounds great that you want to teach and pass down what you can. I think this is the best influence/role model position to be in! Hope you can make a difference (haha that sounds cheesy). I think that you should follow your passion, and I completely agree that you should do what you want to do. My dream is to produce and record music - but that's for my dream world. Even though I can't do much with that, I would love to apply it to what I can and I am capable of doing.

    2. "I would most like to be a stay-at-home writer/blogger. Graphic design, art or linguistics are a few things I'm pretty interested in as well. " Yes, me too.........

