Wednesday 25 June 2014

The End of G7, Summer Reading and The Fault in Our Stars

I feel like there is a lot to catch up on, starting with: THE END OF SCHOOL! Yayy

I am so glad that school is finally over. The past few weeks have been stressful. This bit might be a bit late to acknowledge it, but still. 

Grade 7 was one of the best years ever! I really liked my mentor group and felt that we were really close and comfortable with each other. My teachers were amazing, and I actually learnt quite a bit. 

Now that we are done with Grade 7, it's summer! *gets ready to rant about everything*

Let's start off by saying: summer starts off with everyone being super enthusiastic about it. You can practically feel the excitement. But about a week into it, there's one word to describe it. Boring. Okay, not for everyone - but for people like me who don't have a social life. (i'm socially awkward. woohoo)

This is the reality though. So, I decided to fill my time by reading books, watching movies, blogging and catching up on TV shows while eating a lot of food. Starting off with books: I went ahead and made a summer reading list. I am currently reading: 'I Am the Messenger' by Markus Zusak. I chose this book, because Markus Zusak also wrote 'The Book Thief' which we read in class. 

Once I finish this, I am planning on reading 'The Catcher in the Rye' or '172 Hours on the Moon'. 

Next: Watching movies. So far, I've already seen 'Maleficent' and today I watched 'The Fault in Our Stars'. I loved both movies. I cried a lot during 'The Fault in Our Stars'. It was so sad! It's probably on my list for the best movies ever. 

But, coming back to summer, I am travelling to Japan in a week and I'm super excited! So, I hope whoever is reading this has a great summer! I will try and blog since I have nothing else to do. 

My current favourites - Maleficent, TFIOS and I Am the Messenger 

Monday 2 June 2014

Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant.

Yes, I'm doing this.

I have now finished the Divergent trilogy (yay). Altogether, I actually enjoyed the books quite a bit, but I liked the first one the best. Here's what I thought about each book.

Action-packed. Definitely, it was very plot based and moved along really fast. In the background, Tris had sort of an inner voice that would respond to each situation differently. I found this really interesting because I read a lot of plot based books, but giving that inner voice made me think about the character's perspective as well. All in all, the idea was really interesting and I found the book amazing.

Disappointment. This was what this book was for me. It was quite boring. They start off in the Amity compound, and for about ten chapters, the author described their lifestyle in the area before they escaped somewhere else. I found the book very dull and lifeless. The only page turning bit was near the end (I'm literally talking about the last 50 pages or so). So far, this book was not my favourite. 

Interesting-ish. I guess I could say. This book was where they revealed everything about their city and why it was in the state it was in. It had a lot to do with genetics and the obsession over genetic purity. I found it interesting, but the author didn't portray a rebellion, but more of small acts defying the government. I think she could have described it better. The ending was a big let-down for me, and I think that the people who have read it would understand. But yes, it wasn't too bad. 

To sum it up, I didn't mind the trilogy. It was quite eventful and interesting. If you haven't read it yet, I would recommend it, but not as one of the best trilogy's that I have read. 
