Thursday 27 February 2014

Phone Loss

A few days ago, I lost my phone. It was an iPhone 4 and the home button didn't work. I remember carrying it off the taxi and placing it on my bed, but then it just disappeared. I think I've checked the iPhone tracker about a hundred times since. I've been struggling. I'm not going to lie. Everyone says that you should take a break from your phone and enjoy what's around you. It's so addicting to be  all the time, even if my eyes are strained to their limits. It's funny because I never realised how valuable we think our electronics our. What I have learnt is that tapping on a screen to keep a bird with a heavy face flying through pipes isn't what our lives are all about. 

We need to find other things to do and ever since I lost my phone, I have become more attentive to the things around me. I have started to realise what is really going on in the world and focus on some important things that could actually affect us in the long run. Things like recycling, littering and even wastage of electricity. As I sit here typing away, I have now started to remember all of the things that I should do to make my life better for myself. I left the laptop charger in my house on and I'm pretty sure that I have to throw away wrappers that are squashed at the bottom of my bag. 

This phone loss, might not have been a loss at all. We always have to look at the bright side and I think this loss might have actually turned into a gain for me. 

Here is a challenge: Don't go on your phone for at least two or three days. How will it feel? Comment below on what you think about this and if you do this challenge how it felt like. 


  1. What a great post! I too am addicted to the constant checking of Twitter and FB, and the need to take photos of everything around. I am lost without my phone and lost without. Thanks for reminding me that sometimes I need a break too.

    I love that you chose to blog, so eloquently might I add, about this topic. You really seem to be understanding the nature of this space. Do you mind if I share this post with my Twitter network? I think many adults and teachers could use your wisdom too.

    1. Thanks! I just got tumblr (which was probably a bad idea), and it is so addicting. I would love for you to share my blog.

  2. Hey Anvita, I know how you feel.Once my phone stopped working.Since I was addicted to it,I didn't know what else to do,but then I realised that I have so many other fun activities to do. what do you think?

    1. I know right! It's really frustrating. I wrote this post last week, but I got a new phone for my birthday. I'm happy, but I'm also feeling like a bit of a hypocrite when I read this post because I feel like I'm getting addicted too fast again. I think I'm going to continue with the challenge and try not to check my phone that often again. I'm also paying half the money for it by doing chores around the house, like washing the dishes and cleaning the car. This is another good distraction. I love to play sports which helps me get away from screens in general. :)

  3. I totally feel the same way. It does get annoying but I guess I got used to it. I didn't get my phone until I was 11 years old.

