Monday 17 February 2014


Okay, so I this isn't really a cheesy post about how friends are the best and they're amazing and that they are always there for you. They can be there for you and they are amazing, but sometimes they change. They might change for the better or might change for the worse. 

My two best friends are Trisha and Florence and I know that they're going to be there for me and they are the greatest friends that I could ever ask for. Trisha and I have been friends for four years and our friendship started off after an argument which just made us better friends. I met Florence last year and our friendship also started off after a fight. The three of us are super close now, but you know the problem with threes. Someone always feels left out and in our case it isn't just one person, but everyone feels left out at some point. The thing is that we choose to acknowledge it and try and fix it. The thing that Trisha and Florence have taught me is to be strong and stand up for myself. I think that they have been really supportive and can always make me laugh when I'm feeling a bit down. 

The other thing with friends is the downside. I'm not saying that I want to be antisocial, but the other type of friends who choose to ignore you and talk to each other instead. It might even be incorrect to call them friends. I have personal experience with these friends and they aren't the best. Sometimes they an be hurtful without even realising it. I have two friends that I have known for a while and they are in the same class. Sometimes without even realising it, they tend to exclude me for no reason at all. I get the feeling that they don't want to be my friends anymore. the funny thing is that I knew them both before they knew each other. I don't know what to do and I have already confronted them about it. It feels good to vent, but if they are reading this right now. they are probably annoyed at me because I've told them quite a few times. 

I guess the point of this post is that some friends are amazing and some aren't and we have to learn to let go of the ones that aren't. I really want to, but I can't because I see the ones that leave me out everyday and I can't avoid them.  


  1. This is a really good post Anvita. I can totally relate to what you are saying. I had the same type of problem back at Chatsworth. Friends are always there for you and I now have friends that are very supportive of me.

    1. Thanks! I really feel that you should have a variety of friends and surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself (yes it's cheesy, but it's better for you). It's good that you have friends that are supportive of you because they will always be there for you when you are going through a tough time.

      Would you have any advice for me about these friends?

  2. Try to get friends who like you for being yourself. Don't try to be someone else. If your friends are avoiding you or if you feel they are avoid you, just go away to some other friends. It is very important to have other friends that you don't usually hangout with because when you are in a bad situation like this, then go to your other friends.

