Wednesday 25 June 2014

The End of G7, Summer Reading and The Fault in Our Stars

I feel like there is a lot to catch up on, starting with: THE END OF SCHOOL! Yayy

I am so glad that school is finally over. The past few weeks have been stressful. This bit might be a bit late to acknowledge it, but still. 

Grade 7 was one of the best years ever! I really liked my mentor group and felt that we were really close and comfortable with each other. My teachers were amazing, and I actually learnt quite a bit. 

Now that we are done with Grade 7, it's summer! *gets ready to rant about everything*

Let's start off by saying: summer starts off with everyone being super enthusiastic about it. You can practically feel the excitement. But about a week into it, there's one word to describe it. Boring. Okay, not for everyone - but for people like me who don't have a social life. (i'm socially awkward. woohoo)

This is the reality though. So, I decided to fill my time by reading books, watching movies, blogging and catching up on TV shows while eating a lot of food. Starting off with books: I went ahead and made a summer reading list. I am currently reading: 'I Am the Messenger' by Markus Zusak. I chose this book, because Markus Zusak also wrote 'The Book Thief' which we read in class. 

Once I finish this, I am planning on reading 'The Catcher in the Rye' or '172 Hours on the Moon'. 

Next: Watching movies. So far, I've already seen 'Maleficent' and today I watched 'The Fault in Our Stars'. I loved both movies. I cried a lot during 'The Fault in Our Stars'. It was so sad! It's probably on my list for the best movies ever. 

But, coming back to summer, I am travelling to Japan in a week and I'm super excited! So, I hope whoever is reading this has a great summer! I will try and blog since I have nothing else to do. 

My current favourites - Maleficent, TFIOS and I Am the Messenger 

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